Some of the projects are done from scratch using minimal libraries.
If you are a beginner, these concepts will help you for better understanding of Machine learning algorithms
MSc Project - Detect small and moving objects from Wide area motion imagery simulation (WAMI).
Find similar images from your local machine using feature extraction and similarity metrics
Multi label text classification using pre-trained BERT and Legal-BERT models in hugging face. NER with Spacy included.
Find academic research trends using NLP and LDA Topic modelling - Internship project done for VEC
Using NLP to detect sarcasm, generate text and classify movie reviews. Use tfprojector to visulaise embeddings
Perceptron is a single neuron model that can be used to classify linearly separable data in to 2 groups
K-Nearest neighbours algorithm for multi-class classification, implemented using Numpy
Clustering structured data using k-means and k-medians for better understanding and evaluating clusters
Simple examples to learn the power of neural networks and deep learning
Principal Data Scientist - GSK, London (Mar 2023 to Till Date)
Summer Intern - VEC, Liverpool (Jun 2022 to Sep 2022)
Junior Data Scientist - IMMO infotech (IAZI-CIFI) (Apr 2019 to Aug 2021)
Energy Engineer - Namdhari Eco Energies (Jun 2018 to Mar 2019)
Masters in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Liverpool, UK
Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), University of Calicut, India
IEEE Young Professionals
Data Science and AI Society, UoL
Twitter Developer
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